
At Mountain View, we believe their is value in both traditional hymns and contemporary worship music. At our services you will find a mixture of both. We are blessed with many talented singers but our desire is that we bring blessing to the Lord through our songs, music, and dramas.
At Mountain View we believe that cooperate worship brings us closer to our church family and to the Lord. We invite everyone to worship in a way that brings glory to God.

Mark Monroe
Music Leader
We welcome all who want to join our choir as we worship our most deserving Savior.
Choir practice meets each Sunday night at 5pm.

Ashely Cambron

Tatum Spears
Choir Directors
Drama Team

We welcome all who want to join our drama team as we worship through sign and skits.
Drama practice meets each Sunday night at 4pm.
Jason and Maranda Phillips
Drama Team Directors

Media, tech, and sound are very important parts of our worship. We are always looking for people willing to work in the sound booth and assist with media.

Tyler Goza
Tech Director

At Mountain View we worship together as a family. We believe that all of God's Word is fit for teaching and that families benefit from learning, praising, and praying together. We love to see our children praising Jesus and learning right alongside their parents.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.